Can Dogs Eat Fortune Cookies?

If you’ve ever indulged in Chinese takeout or dined at non-Chinese eateries, you’ve likely encountered the iconic fortune cookie. Often accompanying meals, these cookies offer a delightful crunch and intriguing paper predictions. If your canine companion shows curiosity about these treats, you might ponder their safety. So, can dogs eat fortune cookies? Let’s delve deeper into this question to ensure the well-being of our furry friends.

While fortune cookies aren’t typically harmful to dogs, it’s advisable not to give them to your pet. Although the ingredients aren’t particularly toxic, they don’t offer nutritional benefits to your dog.

Here, we delve into the typical components of fortune cookies, shedding light on why many human snacks aren’t suitable for canine consumption.

A Little About Fortune Cookies

Fortune cookies aren’t authentically Chinese in origin. The exact creator remains a mystery, but they emerged in California, making them more of an American creation than a Chinese tradition.

Their popularity surged post-World War II, as Americans had a penchant for desserts post-meal. The allure of the “fortunes” was undeniable. Initially featuring Biblical and Confucian sayings, they evolved to include jokes, lucky numbers, and whimsical advice. However, the joy of consuming the cookies remains a constant.

Why Should Dogs Not Eat Fortune Cookies?

Although fortune cookies don’t contain inherently harmful ingredients, most components are not suitable for dogs to consume.


An average fortune cookie contains approximately 13 grams of sugar per cookie. While sugar alone isn’t poisonous, excessive sugar intake can lead to obesity in dogs, raising the chance of diabetes. Overconsumption may also result in digestive issues like diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea.


Numerous commercial dog foods incorporate flour as an ingredient, making it generally safe unless your dog is sensitive to gluten. While most allergies in dogs are linked to meats like beef, chicken, and dairy, a minority may be intolerant to gluten. Symptoms of a gluten sensitivity in dogs might manifest as diarrhea, gas, presence of mucus in stools, and possibly symptoms like dry, flaky skin, rashes, or bumps.

Vanilla Extract

A significant amount of vanilla extract could pose risks to dogs due to its alcohol content, typically around 35%. Yet, the minimal vanilla content present in a fortune cookie is unlikely to cause harm to your dog. Only if a dog consumed an excessive number of fortune cookies would there be a distant risk of alcohol poisoning. However, the dog would likely experience adverse effects from the sugar and other ingredients well before any alcohol-related concerns arise.


The predominant oil found in fortune cookies is sesame seed oil, which is generally healthy for dogs when given in limited amounts. Excessive consumption of this oil can potentially result in digestive issues like diarrhea and vomiting, as well as weight gain. However, the quantity of sesame seed oil present in a fortune cookie is insufficient to cause concerns for a dog.

Other Ingredients

The primary ingredients commonly found in most fortune cookies are the initial four. However, some fortune cookies might also contain ingredients like butter or alternative oils, such as canola oil (which isn’t ideal for dogs), egg whites (considered safe for dogs), and salt. While salt isn’t beneficial for dogs, the amount present in a cookie wouldn’t pose a significant risk. As for the paper containing the fortune, while it’s generally harmless due to its minuscule size, there’s a potential choking hazard to consider.

Although fortune cookies generally avoid using artificial sweeteners, it’s essential to be cautious about xylitol. Xylitol is a synthetic sugar substitute often found in sugar-free products and is extremely harmful to dogs. Therefore, it’s crucial always to inspect human food ingredients before sharing with your pet. Symptoms of xylitol ingestion in dogs can manifest as:

  • Coordination difficulties
  • Vomiting
  • Unsteadiness
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle tremors
  • Seizures
  • Collapse
  • Coma

If you suspect your dog has consumed xylitol or exhibits any of these symptoms, seek veterinary assistance immediately.

If your dog consumed one or two fortune cookies, they’ll likely be okay unless they have an allergy to specific ingredients. Whenever your dog ingests something unintended, it’s advisable to monitor them closely for a day or two.

However, if your dog consumed multiple fortune cookies still wrapped in plastic, it’s crucial to contact your veterinarian for guidance on the next steps. Some veterinarians might recommend inducing vomiting. If more than two hours have passed since ingestion, closely observe your dog for signs like stomach discomfort, decreased energy, reduced appetite, or abdominal pain, and then consult your vet. While most dogs may naturally expel the plastic, there’s a risk it could cause an obstruction in their digestive system. When uncertain, always seek advice from your veterinarian.

Safe and Healthy Treats

All dogs have a fondness for treats, so it’s ideal to offer them treats designed explicitly for canine consumption. Consider providing them with crunchy treats flavored with one of their favorites, such as peanut butter.

When looking for sweet options, various fruits are suitable and safe for dogs. Blueberries, bananas, and watermelon are nutritious choices. Additionally, they can enjoy apples, cantaloupe, mangoes, and pears, ensuring you remove any seeds beforehand.

Conclusion – Can Dogs Eat Fortune Cookies?

Ultimately, it’s wise to err on the side of caution and avoid offering fortune cookies to your dog. If they happen to consume one or two, it typically shouldn’t pose a problem unless they have specific food allergies.

Always consult with your veterinarian if you have uncertainties or concerns. Recognize that not every human food aligns with canine safety. Be diligent about reading product labels, and despite the irresistible gaze from your furry friend, refrain from sharing table scraps. The risks associated with unknown or potentially harmful ingredients, coupled with encouraging begging behaviors, outweigh any fleeting moments of indulgence.

Kathryn Copeland
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